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The importance of Vit C to our body

Selalu kita dengar orang kata “makanlah buah oren tu,byk vitamin C tu”..btul tak? Tapi apa sebenarnya kepentingan vitamin C untuk badan kita?Penting sangat ke vitamin C ni?Apa kesan kalau kita kekurangan vitamin C?Jom kita kaji sama2 yer.

The majority of the populace understands the importance of a daily intake of vitamins, but what exactly does vitamin C do in the body?

Vitamin C plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and preventing disease. More than ten thousand scientific papers have been written about the beneficial aspects of vitamin C, and it has been established that all body processes and diseases are somehow influenced by vitamin C. Vitamin C influences the body in a variety of ways. The four most noted functions that vitamin C affect are:

  • antioxidantactivity
  • collagen synthesis
  • the cardiovascular system
  • the immune system

When vitamin C is digested, it becomes a water soluble antioxidant. Because it is in the water soluble state, vitamin C can directly affect the free radicals in the body. Free radicals are molecules located in the body which are highly reactive, and known for causing tissue damage. They are also notoriously known for inducing oxidative damage to the inner body, advancing the aging process, and can also cause cancer.

Another function vitamin C influences is collagen synthesis. Collagen is the essential part of connective tissue. Connective tissue is needed to keep the body together, and is the very framework of the body – the skin, bones, teeth, blood vessels, cartilage, tendons and ligaments – all rely on collagen. Therefore, it is of acute precedence that there is a healthy amount of collagen in the body. This is the function, that when depleted of collagen,scurvy occurs. Scurvy is the result of deterioration of the blood vessels. Furthermore, it results in hemorrhage, bleeding gums, bruising, loose teeth, and the tendency for bones to fracture.It is vital for the body to receive an optimal amount of vitamin C because the production of collagen is linked directly to vitamin C; therefore, if there is a lack of vitamin C, there is an absence of collagen, and the body will literally fall apart.

Furthermore, vitamin C is vital for the cardiovascular system. When the body’s arteries become clogged, there isn’t enough blood flow to the heart which results in a heart attack. Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties are absorbed into the blood stream, and can actually repressthe accumulation of arterial plaque.Vitamin C can be thought of as a type of “Drain-o” forarteries. It cleans the arteries, and enables a healthy flow of blood to the heart.

Finally, vitamin C impacts the immune system. The immune system main operation is to protect the body from foreign substances or toxins. For the immune system to function correctly, vitamin C is a must. Vitamin C is extremely important in this function because it is involved with T-cells and white blood cells. The white blood cells function is basically to monitor various disease conditions. Because vitamin C boosts the white blood cell count, an individual who consumes high doses of vitamin C has a less likely chance of contracting diseases.

thanks to vit c articles

so dalam kata yang mudah difahami,vit c ni bertindak :

1)Membantu mengurangkan kadar kolestrol dalam darah.

2)Menghalang SKURVI. (SKURVI=Penyakit yg disebabkan kekurangan Vitamin C dlm makanan, ditandai oleh gusi bengkak dan berdarah, pendarahan dibawah kulit, dll)

3)Mempertingkatkan sistem pertahanan badan.

4)Menguatkan dinding salur darah.

5)Menolong pembentukan tisu gentian.

6)Membantu pembentukan kartilej, tulang dan gigi yang sihat.

7)Mengurangkan kedut pada kulit

8)Membaiki parut pada kulit.

9)mencegah penurunan payudara dan buttock

10)menjadikan kulit lebih cerah

11)menghilangkan jerawat dan pigmentasi.

12)menjaga kesihatan otot dan mencantikkan/menghaluskan kulit.

13)membantu penghasilan collagen dimana collagen dapat meningkatkan keanjalan dan keremajaan kulit.

14)melambatkan proses penuaan dan menghaluskan pori-pori pada kulit.

Tapi mengapa Vitamin C Shaklee berbeza??

Ianya natural tanpa perasa atau bahan pewarna tambahan.dan yg penting..ianya sustained release..(Sistem perlepasan berkekalan dalam menyalurkan Vitamin C yang menyamai kandungan satu setengah biji buah oren untuk setiap jam selama lima jam)… in simple word sebiji Vitamin C shaklee bersamaa mkn 7biji oren..

credit to zabrina

wah,tak payah susah2 makan 7 biji oren kan..juz telan jer sebiji vitamin C Shakle..hehe..senang kan..untuk orang yang kurang makan buah seperti saya,Vitamin C ni sangatlah sesuai untuk dimiliki..dan yang paling penting vitamin c juga boleh meremajakan kulit anda di samping mendapat kesihatan yang tip top!!

Jom grab Vit c ramai2..This July ada promo tau..

sms/whatsapp amy


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